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2022 Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO)

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) H0783-002 is a 2022 Medicare Advantage Plan or Part-C by Humana available to residents in Texas. This plan includes additional prescription drug (Part-D) coverage. The Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) has a monthly premium of $24.50 and has an in-network maximum out-of-pocket limit of $3,450 (MOOP). This means that if you get sick or need a high cost procedure the co-pays are capped once you pay $3,450 out-of-pocket. This can be a extremely nice safety net.

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) is a Local HMO. With a health maintenance organization (HMO) you will be required to receive most of your health care from an in-network provider. Health maintenance organizations require that you select a primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP will serve as your personal doctor to provide all of your basic healthcare services. If you require specialized care or a physician specialist, your primary care physician will make the arrangements and inform you where you can go in the network. You will need your PCPs okay, called a referral. Services received from an out-of-network provider are not typically covered.

Humana works with Medicare to provide significant coverage beyond Part A and Part B benefits. If you decide to sign up for Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) you still retain Original Medicare. But you will get additional Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) coverage from Humana and not Original Medicare. With Medicare Advantage you are always covered for urgently needed and emergency care. Plus you receive all the benefits of Original Medicare from Humana except hospice care. Original Medicare still provides you with hospice care even if you sign up for Medicare Advantage.

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2022 Humana Medicare Advantage Plan Costs

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO)
Plan ID:
Type: Local HMO
Monthly Premium C+D: $24.50
Part C Premium:$0.00
MOOP: $3,450
Part D (Drug) Premium:$24.50
Part D Supplemental Premium$0.00
Total Part D Premium:$24.50
Drug Deductible:$480.00
Tiers with No Deductible:0
Gap Coverage:No
Benchmark:not below the regional benchmark
Type of Medicare Health:Enhanced Alternative
Drug Benefit Type:Enhanced
Similar Plan: H0783-002
New Plan: 2023 H0783-002

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) Part-C Premium

Humana charges a $0.00 Part-C premium. The Part C premium covers Medicare medical, hospital benefits and supplemental benefits if offered. You generally are also responsible for paying the Part B premium.

H0783-002 Part-D Deductible and Premium

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) has a monthly drug premium of $24.50 and a $480.00 drug deductible. This Humana plan offers a $24.50 Part-D Basic Premium that is not below the regional benchmark. This covers the basic prescription benefit only and does not cover enhanced drug benefits such as medical benefits or hospital benefits. The Part D Supplemental Premium is $0.00 this Premium covers any enhanced plan benefits offered by Humana above and beyond the standard PDP benefits. This can include additional coverage in the gap, lower co-payments and coverage of non-Part D drugs. The Part D Total Premium is $24.50 . The Part D Total Premium is the addition of the supplemental and basic premiums for some plans this amount can be lowered due to negative basic or supplemental premiums.

Humana Gap Coverage

In 2022 once you and your plan provider have spent $4430 on covered drugs. (combined amount plus your deductible) You will be in the coverage gap. (AKA "donut hole") You will be required to pay 25% for prescription drugs unless your plan offers additional coverage. This Humana plan does not offer additional coverage through the gap.

Premium Assistance

The Low Income Subsidy (LIS) helps people with Medicare pay for prescription drugs, and lowers the costs of Medicare prescription drug coverage. Depending on your income level you may be eligible for full 75%, 50%, 25% premium assistance. The Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) medicare insurance offers a $0.00 premium obligation if you receive a full low-income subsidy (LIS) assistance. And the payment is $6.10 for 75% low income subsidy $12.20 for 50% and $18.40 for 25%.

Full LIS Premium:$0.00
75% LIS Premium:$6.10
50% LIS Premium:$12.20
25% LIS Premium:$18.40

H0783-002 Formulary or Drug Coverage

Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) formulary is divided into Tiers or levels of coverage based on usage and according to the medication costs. Each tier will have a defined copay that you must pay to receive the drug. Drugs in lower tiers will usually cost less than those in higher tiers. By reviewing different Medicare Drug formularies, you can pick a Medicare Advantage plan that covers your medications. Additionally, you can choose a plan that has your drugs listed at a lower price. You can see complete 2022 Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO) H0783-002 Formulary here.

Drug Tier Copay
Tier 1 $2 $15
Tier 2 $19 $20
Tier 3 $47 $47
Tier 4 $100 $100
Tier 5 25% 25%
*Initial Coverage Phase and 30 day supply

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Coverage Area for Humana Gold Plus H0783-002 (HMO)

(Click county to compare all available Advantage plans)

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Source: CMS.
Data as of September 1, 2021.
Notes: Data are subject to change as contracts are finalized. For 2022, enhanced alternative may offer additional cost sharing reductions in the gap on a sub-set of the formulary drugs, beyond the standard Part-D benefit. Includes 2022 approved contracts. Employer sponsored 800 series and plans under sanction are excluded.

      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.