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Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) By Zing Health

Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) H7330 003 0 is a 2023 Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plan plan by Zing Health. This plan from Zing Health works with Medicare to give you significant coverage beyond original Medicare. If you decide to sign up you still retain Original Medicare. But you will get additional Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) coverage from Zing Health and not Original Medicare. All Medicare SNPs also provide Medicare additional Part-D drug coverage. Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) H7330-003 is a Chronic Condition SNP (C-SNP). A Chronic Condition SNP is for beneficiaries with the following severe or disabling chronic conditions: . If you have Medicare and you develop certain severe or disabling conditions you can join a Medicare SNP designed to serve people with those conditions at any time.

2023 Medicare Special Needs Plan Details

Plan Name:Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP)
Plan ID:H7330 003 0
Special Needs Type:Chronic or Disabling Condition
Provider:Zing Health
Plan Year:2023
Plan Type:Local HMO
Monthly Premium C+D:$0
Part C Premium:$0
Part D (Drug) Premium:$0
Part D Supplemental Premium$0
Total Part D Premium:$0
Drug Deductible:$0
Tiers with No Deductible:0
Benchmark:not below the regional benchmark
Type of Medicare Health Plan:Enhanced Alternative
Drug Benefit Type:Enhanced
Gap Coverage:Yes
Similar Plan: H7330-003

The Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) H7330-003 is available to residents to Medicare eligible seniors in Illinois. All Medicare SNPs must provide Medicare additional prescription drug (Part-D) coverage. Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) is a Local HMO. With a health maintenance organization (HMO) you will be required to receive most of your health care from an in-network provider. Health maintenance organizations require that you select a primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP will serve as your personal doctor to provide all of your basic healthcare services. If you need special care for a physician specialist, your primary care physician will make the arrangements and tell you where you can go in the network. You will need your PCPs okay, called a referral. Without getting a referral or services received from out-of-network providers are not typically covered by the plan.

How much does Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) cost?

Part-C Premium

A monthly premium is the fee you pay to the plan in exchange for coverage. Zing Health charges a $0 Part-C premium. The Part C premium covers Medicare medical, hospital benefits and supplemental benefits if offered. You generally are also responsible for paying the Part B premium.

Part-D Deductible and Premium

An annual deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket for your prescription drugs before your plan begins to pay. Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) has a monthly drug premium of $0 and a $0 drug deductible. This Zing Health plan offers a $0 Part-D Basic Premium that is not below the regional benchmark. This covers the basic prescription benefit only and does not cover enhanced drug benefits such as medical benefits or hospital benefits. The Part D Supplemental Premium is $0. This Premium covers any enhanced plan benefits offered by Zing Health above and beyond the standard PDP benefits. This can include additional coverage in the gap, lower co-payments, and coverage of non-Part D drugs. The Part D Total Premium is $0. The Part D Total Premium is the addition of supplemental and basic premiums for some plans this amount can be lowered due to negative basic or supplemental premiums.

Zing Health Gap Coverage

In 2023 once you and your plan provider have spent $4660 on covered drugs. (Combined amount plus your deductible) You will be in the coverage gap. (AKA "donut hole") You will be required to pay 25% for prescription drugs unless your plan offers additional coverage. This Zing Health plan does offer additional coverage through the gap.

H7330-003 Formulary and Drug Coverage

Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) formulary is divided into tiers or levels of coverage based on usage and according to the medication costs. Each tier will have a defined copay that you must pay to receive the drug. Drugs in lower tiers will usually cost less than those in higher tiers. By reviewing different Medicare Drug formularies, you can pick a Medicare Special Needs Plan that covers your medications. Additionally, you can choose a plan that has your drugs listed at a lower price.

Drug Tier Copay
Tier 1 NA $0
Tier 2 NA $5
Tier 3 NA $47
Tier 4 NA $100
Tier 5 NA 33%
The complete Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) H7330-003 Formulary
*Initial Coverage Phase and 30 day supply

2023 Summary of Benefits

The benefit information provided is a summary of what Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) covers and what you pay (such as copayments and coinsurance amounts) for certain common medical events. The Summary of Benefits from Zing Health helps get an idea of how much financial protection the plan is generally expected to provide for common health conditions. This section also contains information on coverage for in-network and out-of-network providers.

Wellness programs (e.g., fitness, nursing hotline)Covered

Contact lenses

Vision$0 copay

Eyeglass frames

Vision$0 copay

Eyeglass lenses

Vision$0 copay

Eyeglasses (frames and lenses)

Vision$0 copay


VisionNot covered

Routine eye exam

Vision$0 copay


VisionNot covered

Transportation$0 copay
Skilled Nursing Facility$0 per day for days 1 through 20
$196 per day for days 21 through 100

Occupational therapy visit

Rehabilitation services$20 copay

Physical therapy and speech and language therapy visit

Rehabilitation services$20 copay


Preventive dentalCovered under office visit

Dental x-ray(s)

Preventive dentalCovered under office visit

Fluoride treatment

Preventive dentalCovered under office visit

Office visit

Preventive dental$0.00

Oral exam

Preventive dentalCovered under office visit

Preventive care$0 copay
Outpatient hospital coverage$300 copay per visit
In-Network Other health plan deductibles?No
Optional supplemental benefitsNo

Inpatient hospital - psychiatric

Mental health services$275 per day for days 1 through 6
$0 per day for days 7 through 90

Outpatient group therapy visit

Mental health services$20 copay

Outpatient group therapy visit with a psychiatrist

Mental health services$20 copay

Outpatient individual therapy visit

Mental health services$20 copay

Outpatient individual therapy visit with a psychiatrist

Mental health services$20 copay


Medicare Part B drugs20% coinsurance

Other Part B drugs

Medicare Part B drugs20% coinsurance

Diabetes supplies

Medical equipment/supplies0-20% coinsurance per item

Durable medical equipment (e.g., wheelchairs, oxygen)

Medical equipment/supplies20% coinsurance per item

Prosthetics (e.g., braces, artificial limbs)

Medical equipment/supplies20% coinsurance per item

Maximum out-of-pocket enrollee responsibility (does not include prescription drugs)$3,650 In-network
Inpatient hospital coverage$275 per day for days 1 through 6
$0 per day for days 7 through 90


Hearing$0 copay

Hearing aids - inner ear

Hearing$0 copay

Hearing aids - outer ear

Hearing$0 copay

Hearing aids - over the ear

Hearing$0 copay

Hearing exam

Hearing$20 copay

Health plan deductible$0
Ground ambulance$175 copay

Foot exams and treatment

Foot care (podiatry services)$20 copay

Routine foot care

Foot care (podiatry services)$0 copay


Emergency care/Urgent care$125 copay per visit (always covered)

Urgent care

Emergency care/Urgent care$10 copay per visit (always covered)


Doctor visits$0 copay


Doctor visits$20 copay per visit

Diagnostic radiology services (e.g., MRI)

Diagnostic procedures/lab services/imaging$50-150 copay

Diagnostic tests and procedures

Diagnostic procedures/lab services/imaging$25 copay

Lab services

Diagnostic procedures/lab services/imaging$0 copay

Outpatient x-rays

Diagnostic procedures/lab services/imaging$0 copay

Diagnostic services

Comprehensive dental$0 copay


Comprehensive dental$0 copay


Comprehensive dental$0 copay

Non-routine services

Comprehensive dental$0 copay


Comprehensive dental$0 copay

Prosthodontics, other oral/maxillofacial surgery, other services

Comprehensive dental$0 copay

Restorative services

Comprehensive dental$0 copay

In-Network Additional benefits and/or reduced cost-sharing for enrollees with certain health conditions?No

Coverage Area

(Click county or state to compare all available Advantage plans)

The availability of Medicare Special Need Plans will vary according to your region. This is why the Coverage Area matters in terms of Medicare eligibility. You will always be eligible for Original Medicare, but eligibility for Zing Essential Wellness Diabetes and Heart IL (HMO C-SNP) requires you to live in that plan’s service area. The service area is listed below:

Source: CMS.

Plans as of Oct 1, 2022.

Last updated on

Notes: Data are subject to change. All contracts for 2023 have not been finalized. For 2023, enhanced alternative plans may offer additional cost sharing reductions in the gap on a sub-set of the formulary drugs, beyond the standard Part Part D benefit.

Includes 2023 approved contracts/plans. Employer sponsored 800 series plans and plans under sanction are excluded.

      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.