Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications

This page shows each states average cost of "Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications" compared to other hopitals across all fifty states. This guide will give a basic idea of the disparity in the cost of medicare for many common hospital procedures.

ProcedureProvider StateTotal DischargesHospital Charge(s)Medicare Payment(s)Your Cost
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Alaska 255 $56689 $21009 $35680
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Alabama 4773 $47482 $11181 $36301
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Arkansas 3359 $31667 $11118 $20549
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Arizona 4234 $52853 $13594 $39259
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
California 34284 $90122 $16747 $73375
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Colorado 2572 $57768 $13090 $44678
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Connecticut 4594 $42041 $15726 $26315
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
DC 498 $54713 $17738 $36975
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Delaware 1127 $34076 $14025 $20051
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Florida 18660 $62484 $12161 $50323
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Georgia 9138 $41116 $12225 $28891
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Hawaii 961 $43436 $17002 $26434
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Iowa 2734 $32614 $11654 $20960
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Idaho 1075 $30837 $12841 $17996
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Illinois 15610 $48201 $13223 $34978
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Indiana 7628 $35052 $12033 $23019
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Kansas 2948 $45243 $12022 $33221
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Kentucky 5574 $34004 $11802 $22202
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Louisiana 4648 $43898 $11975 $31923
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Massachusetts 7097 $27269 $14585 $12684
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Maryland 7619 $18739 $17661 $1078
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Maine 1401 $30707 $13381 $17326
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Michigan 15548 $31268 $13308 $17960
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Minnesota 3808 $38306 $13889 $24417
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Missouri 7904 $41930 $11968 $29962
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Mississippi 3564 $44389 $11997 $32392
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Montana 610 $30614 $12632 $17982
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
North-Carolina 13098 $32059 $12838 $19221
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
North-Dakota 829 $28727 $12394 $16333
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Nebraska 1125 $44748 $12923 $31825
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
New-Hampshire 1095 $32768 $12439 $20329
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
New-Jersey 10961 $88530 $14676 $73854
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
New-Mexico 1346 $40444 $14331 $26113
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Nevada 1576 $83519 $13541 $69978
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
New-York 21970 $47466 $17322 $30144
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Ohio 10901 $39192 $12220 $26972
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Oklahoma 4935 $41402 $11891 $29511
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Oregon 2441 $34559 $13707 $20852
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Pennsylvania 12347 $50114 $12705 $37409
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Rhode-Island 1056 $39819 $14491 $25328
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
South-Carolina 5243 $47649 $12850 $34799
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
South-Dakota 484 $48931 $14819 $34112
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Tennessee 8502 $38065 $11398 $26667
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Texas 23144 $55266 $12616 $42650
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Utah 1703 $30053 $12205 $17848
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Virginia 9884 $36847 $12110 $24737
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Vermont 465 $25734 $15743 $9991
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Washington 6544 $42650 $13695 $28955
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Wisconsin 4887 $34272 $13072 $21200
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
West-Virginia 2102 $30150 $12053 $18097
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis No Mv 96 Plus Hrs With Major Complications
Wyoming 211 $38710 $17416 $21294

Source: CMS

As part of the Obama administration’s goal to make our healthcare more accountable, transparent and affordable the has released data from more then 3000 hospitals that receive payments for the 100 highest frequently billed charges under Medicare. For more information visit

      Site Search: is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at

Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.