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Humana Enhanced PDP for Seniors on Medicare

Humana Enhanced PDP for Seniors on Medicare

The Humana Enhanced PDP (Prescription Drug Plan) is made available to Seniors over the age of 65 and anyone on Medicare due to a disability.  This is a premier Medicare part D plan offered by Humana Medicare.  This plan is for seniors who need more then basic drug coverage offered by Medicare but not a whole comprehensive plan.  This Enhanced PDP offers a zero deductible and affordable premiums.  Humana is a stand-alone prescription drug plan with a Medicare contract.

Humana offers several different drug plans (part D) for all your needs.  Including Humana-Walmart Prescription Rx Plan, and Humana Complete.   If you are looking for prescription drug coverage plus additional health coverage Humana Medicare Advantage plans might offer the coverage you need.  They offer Humana Gold Plus Advantage (HMO), Humana Gold Choice Advantage (PFFS), and  HumanaChoice (PPO).

Frequently asked questions about the Enhanced drug plan.

Does it come with a deductible?
No. There is non deductible with this drug card.

How much is the premium?

The monthly premium for the Humana Enhanced PDP averages to around $40 a month for Medicare beneficiaries.

Are my drugs covered?

We have attached the Humana Enhanced Forumlary below.

What will my copay’s be with this drug plan?

Below we have summarized the benefits of the Humana Enhanced PDP. You will simply look up in the forumlary. which tier your medication falls under and will see what your share of cost is.

Summary of Benefits Medigap Comparisons for the Humana Enhanced PDP Prescription Drug Plan 2012

  • Annual Deductible $0
  • Out-of-Pocket Maximum None
  • Prescription Drug Deductible $0 deductible on all drugs except Tier 1: Preferred Generic Drugs.
  • Retail Pharmacy for Prescription Drugs:
  • Preferred Generic :After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,93 – $7 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy; – $21 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy.
  • Non-Preferred Generic :After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $35 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy; – $105 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy.
  • Preferred Brand : After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $35 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy; – $105 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy.
  • Non-Preferred Brand After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $69 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy; – $207 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy. Not all drugs on this tier are available at this extended day supply.
  • Specialty 33% coinsurance for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred pharmacy.
  • Mail Order Pharmacy for Prescription Drugs
  • Preferred Generic: After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $0 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy. – $0 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy.
  • Non-Preferred Generic :After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $35 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy. – $95 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy.
  • Preferred Brand : After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $35 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy. – $95 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy.
  • Non-Preferred Brand: After you pay your yearly deductible, you pay the following until total yearly drug costs reach $2,930: – $69 copay for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy. – $197 copay for a three-month (90-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy.
    Specialty 33% coinsurance for a one-month (30-day) supply of drugs in this tier from a preferred mail order pharmacy.


  1. Do I have to wait until Jan.,2016 to change rx plan?

    • There are specific times when you can sign up for these plans, or make changes to coverage you already have. Oct 15 to Dec 7.

  2. Is there a family plan? Are all drugs deductible?

  3. Are the following drugs considered NON FORMULARY ?



  4. we are already Humana members and get most of our drugs thru mail. I would like to register on line so we can keep updated on things.

  5. I am trying to make an address change and have not been able to work through the computer. I have a Humana Enhanced Plan (PDP). How can I do this in a simple, easy manner.

    This is NOT a change of locale but rather something Homeland Security 911 did in our region (WV).

  6. Does the Humana Enhanced Stand Alone RX policy cover me in Doughtnut Hole

    • Yes, This plan includes additional coverage in the gap.

      • If my mother has medicare and medicaid and is in a nursing home, does she still need to carry Humana Enhanced PDP?? Thank you.

    • Should I keep my State of Massachuserrs RX PDP plan for seniors that cost me $200.00 per year Thank You

  7. I’m already enrolled with Humans and have been for awhile now Do I have to enroll again?

    • Nope, You do not need to do anything to re-enroll.

  8. Are the formularies for the Humana/Walmart and the Humana Enhanced the same or are there drugs not covered on the Humana/Walmart formulary?

  9. Does this plan cover exercise

  10. I have the Humana preferred RX plan, do they also cover over the counter drugs? My friend has Humana and she gets over the counter drugs with her insurance. Thank you

  11. I pay $73. a month premium to Humana. I have humana enhanced (PDP) plan. According to the web page their is no copay. Please advice me why I get charged $90.50 for Levetiracetam 90 day supply at walgreens. Your rep on the phone states I have have not met my $3800 deductable. Why pay a monthly premium if I never reach a $3800 deductable?

  12. Where do I find a schedule for for formulary drugs for humana?

  13. If my mother has medicare and medicaid and is in a nursing home, does she still need to carry Humana Enhanced PDP?? Thank you.

  14. The beginning of the end for Medicare Advantage programs was in 2006, with the passage of the “Medicare Modernization Act,” which opened the field to for-profit insurers like Cigna, Humana, Aetna and United Healthcare. The Part D drug program was a massive giveaway to for-profit Insurance companies and the Pharmaceutical and Pharmacy industries. These companies have become fully integrated, owning not only the insurance plans but also pharmacy benefits management, pharmacies and even hospital ownership. It’s pure collusion and it does nothing but harm to Medicare-eligible enrollees who are restricted by burdensome rules such as the referral system to see a specialist, denial of expensive diagnostic imaging services, denial of care necessitated by one’s own doctor’s orders. In some cases, the benefit is worse than what one would have if one had Medicare only.

    And don’t even get me started on the obscene amounts of profit and/or extravagant salaries for those executives fortunate enough to really rake in compensation that is Easly higher than doctors and even hospital administrators.

  15. Thankyou for saving me all kinds of time trying to get my husband on Medicare advantage


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      Site Search:

MedicareHelp.org is a privately-owned Non-governmental agency. The government website can be found at HealthCare.gov.

Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.